jueves, 23 de noviembre de 2017

What were the different causes of the accident? 

In this accident like most of the accidents of aiplanes, there is not an specific cause, there are different and small human errors that when you join it together it becomes on a big problem.

The major cause of this accident is the wheather.
Wheather conditions were very bad, almost the worse conditions for aircrafts, ice is formed because of the low temperatures, the principal cause of the crash was the ice.
We can consider different causes of the accident.

The first cause is the de-icing liquid, it were not in the optimal mix required for the manufacturer, this error caused that the wings became frozen before the takeoff.
Resultado de imagen de engine anti-ice 737

The second cause was an accumulation of ice in the thrust sensors located on the engine caused by the pilots, they forgot to activate the engine anti-ice system, and this caused a bad reading of the thrust parameters and to take off with less power.

Resultado de imagen de engine power indicator 737 classic
The third cause was the poor experience of the captain and first officer in winter conditions, for this reason they did not do the checklist propperly and forgot to activate de-icing systems, and the use of reverse thrust when its forbiden.

 What other crashes were caused by maintenance errors?

Alaska Airlines Flight 261 was a international passenger flight on January 31.
 The aircraft, a MD-83, crashed into the Pacific ocean after suffering a catastrophic loss of pitch control. The crash killed everyone aboard: two pilots, three cabin crewmembers, and 83 passengers.
The investigation determined that inadequate maintenance cause eventual failure of a critical control system during flight. The probable cause was stated to be "a loss of airplane pitch control resulting from the in-flight failure of the horizontal stabilizer trim system jackscrew assembly's. The thread failure was caused by excessive wear resulting from the maintenance insufficient lubrication of the jackscrew assembly.

Resultado de imagen de Alaska Airlines Flight 261

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