jueves, 16 de noviembre de 2017

Why am I studying aviation maintenance?

Since I was a child I always want to be a mechanic I was allways fixing things of my bicycle, and motorbike.
Also because I love motorsport and I've always wanted to touch it by my hands.
When I was doing baccalaureate a friend of mine told me that his cousin was an airplane mechanic. I've never heard about aviation maintenance before, so I decided to investigate about it.
I realized that de course is done in te same school that I was going, Son Pacs.

I found it very interesting because of the complexity of an aircraft, there is a massive amount of components and systems in a plane.

After asking some details of the course, I made the decision of doing aviation maintenance and now that I know more about it I'm sure that it was the correct decision.

In the future I want to become an experienced TMA and travel to different counties to work as a mechanic, learning more things everyday about airplanes and the world of aviation.

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